Ethnography means an attempt to understand the behavior + culture by going out and talking to targeted audiences (people) wherever they are, to understand while they’re doing whatever it is they do in daily day to day activities. It literally means that, you are entering someone’s world for a span of time, be it a couple of hours or a couple of days, or like our anthropological forefathers and foremothers, a couple of years.
A major quality difference between an ethnography encounter and other types of research is the depth and intimacy of the topic. We get very close and personal to our target audiences or research participants. We spend ample time with people in the natural way of their daily lives; like we would travel with them in bus or bullock cart or train as a respondent does in his/her daily life for going to the office/work place. We talk to individuals and families about their thoughts and broader issues. We watch their world with a wide-angled lens. We watch, we listen, and we learn, and we do all of this in the context of where the action normally occurs: in their home, at their work, at their social hangout place, wherever they are more comfortable speaking.
Many times, it is all dependent on the Client requirements. Usually, We at 1Lotus Research don’t go into the field with too many predetermined or preconceived notions or with a script. We let the people talk to lead the discussions + way and describe. They tell us what is important for them, in their words and their actions. Because of this, our results are much more transparent, vivid and real.